Hi, my name is Marla, and I wanted to share what my life was like just before we discovered The Pearl. One day, I found myself sitting outside my daughter’s bedroom, with a deep sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach. Tears streamed down my face as I wondered, “Where did she go? My bubbly, outgoing leader?”Just on the other side of the door was my sweet 12-year-old: frustrated, upset, closed off, and feeling like no one in the world understood what she was going through… and maybe that was true.
The past 18 months had unleashed a relentless storm upon her: navigating our divorce, adapting to life between two homes, facing the tumultuous ride of puberty, enduring eight solid months under stringent Covid lockdowns, and—the final blow—losing her beloved two-year-old Chesapeake Bay Retriever unexpectedly. He was more than just a pet; he was her best friend. It had all become too much, and she no longer wanted to go to school or hang out with her friends.

As her mom, it was excruciating to watch her retreat deeper and deeper into her shell. It pained me to see how she withdrew more each day from activities she once eagerly embraced. “I want to be homeschooled,” she told me. This came as a complete surprise because she had been at the same school since Pre-K and had loved it her whole life—until recently.I have to admit, as a parent, I thought I knew what was best for her, and homeschooling certainly wasn’t it.It turns out, I was dead wrong.
Her persistence didn’t waver, so I reluctantly began researching homeschool programs. The one thing I knew for sure was that I needed structure and teachers. I couldn’t hold the space for her myself with my work commitments.
I won’t bore you with the details of the research process, but I can tell you that the democratic structure of The Pearl fascinated me. I instantly loved the concept of self-directed projects for each student. To be totally honest, the Zoom call with the founder, Dr. Robin Harwick, sealed the deal.
During that 30-minute call, I opened up about what my daughter had been going through. With every word Robin shared, I could feel my stress begin to melt away. She completely understood where we were coming from and even painted a picture of what moving forward could look like—a little beacon of hope at a time when everything seemed so murky.
On that day, I knew I needed support from a school like The Pearl. I realized that the best way to support my daughter was to:
- Listen to what she was clearly telling me she needed.
- Find the best possible support to help her find her way back to herself.
The Pearl celebrates the uniqueness of every child, and that is healing at the deepest level for any human—to be accepted and to belong exactly as you are. I’m happy to say that after only one year at The Pearl, my daughter continues to come out of her shell more and more. She has goals and aspirations again. She is the bubbly, social kid she used to be. She is thriving.
I believe that as parents, no matter our background or upbringing, we all share one common desire: to see our child pursue their unique dreams, no matter how big or small. In my experience, The Pearl encourages each student to explore what excites them in life, creating an environment that nurtures curiosity and learning.
We couldn’t be happier to be a part of The Pearl community!
-Marla & Daughter